Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838

A to Z Fundraising Ideas

A few ideas to help raise vital funds for Last Chance Animal Rescue


Arts and Crafts Sale, Art Exhibition, Auction, Antiques Fair, Autograph sale

Bungee Jump, Bowling Night, Barn Dane, Beard Shave, Bring and Buy, Bike Ride,Barbeque, Bingo

Coffee morning, Cycling Event, Cricket Match, Chocolate Sale, Car Wash, Craft Fair, Cake Sale, Craft Sale

Dinner and Dance, Darts Tournament, Sponsored Dog Walk, Dress Down Day

Easter Egg Hunt, Egg and Spoon Race

Fancy Dress, Fashion/Flower Show, Face Painting, Football Match, Fun Run

Garden Party, Guess the Weight Competition, Games Night, Go-Karting, Give up something day, Garage Sale

Head Shave, Hat Party

Indian/Italian Night

Jumble Sale, Jelly Eating Competition, Jogging Club

Knobbly Knees/Kite Flying Competition, Knitting Workshop, Karaoke night

Loud Tie Day, Light Sabre Party, Litter Picking, Lunch Part

Marathon, Magic Show, Mystery Tour, Music Concert

Non Uniform Day, Nature Trails

Odd Job Day, Office Competition

Pub Quiz, Plant Sale, Pancake Race, paint ball, Pub Crawl

Quiz Night

Running Race, Rugby Match, Record Breaking Attempt, Raffle, Role Reversal Day

Sponsored Silence/Swim/Samba/Salsa Night, Spell-a-thon, Sports Day

Talent Show, Teddy Bears Picnic, Treasure Hunt, Three legged race, Tug-o-War, Talk-a-thon

Unwanted Gift Sale, Unicycle Race

Variety Show, Volleyball marathon

Windsurfing Competition, Walk for Children, Wine Tasting

Xylophone Concert, X-Files Night

Yacht Race, Yoga Marathon, Yo Yo Competition

Zumba Fitness Class

Thank you for supporting us, all the donations we receive go directly towards the care of the needy dogs and cats we rescue, re-habilitate and re-home. We couldn’t continue this life saving work without the generosity of people like you.

If you require any further help ie Newsletter, collecting tins etc., please do not hesitate to contact us.