Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

At Last Chance Animal Rescue, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This Policy explains how and why we use your personal data (i.e. any information which identifies you, or which can be identified as relating to you personally), to ensure that you remain informed and in control at all times. We will never sell your personal data. We will only ever share it with organisations who help us deliver our projects where strictly necessary and only if they comply fully with data protection law.

Please read this privacy policy together with any other information that we may provide on specific occasions when we ask to collect or process your personal data so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using it. 

Any questions?

If you have any data protection questions in relation to this Policy, about how we use your personal data in general, or if you would like to make a request to exercise any of the rights you have over your personal data please use the contact form to let us know.

How to Contact us

If you are a Last Chance supporter and would like to update the personal data we hold about you or wish to opt out of receiving marketing communications from us, you can let us know by writing to Last Chance Animal Rescue, Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, TN8 5NH. Or by using the contact form on the website.

2. About Last Chance Animal Rescue 

We are Last Chance Animal Rescue, a registered charity (charity no. 1002349 in England and Wales). Our head office is at Last Chance Animal Rescue, Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 5NH. For the purposes of data protection law, we are a controller of your personal data. This means we make decisions about how and why it is used and have a duty to ensure your rights are protected.

3. Information we collect about you

3.1 Personal data you provide

We collect the personal data you provide to us. This includes information you give when you sign up to our newsletter or a campaign, make a donation, volunteer with us, contact us about a pet for rehoming or bring your pet into one of our animal Rescue Centres/veterinary practice, request pet care advice, register or participate in an event, purchase goods or services, or send an email to us.

The personal data we collect may include:

  • personal details (name, date of birth, email, address, telephone etc);
  • financial information (payment information such as credit/debit card or direct debit details, and whether donations are gift-aided); and
  • details of your preferences and interests  e.g. which species you are most interested in.

If you sponsor a pet as a gift for someone else, or are the parent of one of our younger volunteers,your details will be recorded, as will your relationship to that person. 

3.2 Personal data created through your involvement with us

Your activities and involvement with Last Chance will result in personal data about you being created. This may include details of pets you have rehomed, how you have helped us as a volunteer, and your involvement with one of our appeals. If you decide to donate to us, we may keep a record of when, how much you have donated, and through what medium e.g. an appeal, sponsoring a pet, or via a charitable trust. If you choose to Gift Aid with a donation to us, then we will ask for your address and UK taxpayer status as this information is needed to fulfil our obligations under tax and charity law.  It will also be shared with HMRC for tax regulation purposes.

3.3 Information from third parties

We sometimes receive personal data about individuals from third parties such as vet practices and other animal welfare organisations. If you participate in an event organised by an external party or make a donation through a donation aggregator like JustGiving, then they may pass personal data about you to us. Also, as explained in Section 6 we may use third parties to help us conduct research and analysis on personal data which can result in new personal data being created.

3.4 Special Categories of Personal Data

We do not normally collect any special categories of personal data about you, such as your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data. Nor do we collect any information about criminal offences and convictions. However, there are some situations where we will collect special categories of personal data such as your health if you are participating in a fundraising activity like running a marathon. If we do need to collect this sort of data, we’ll take extra care to ensure that your privacy rights are protected. 

3.5 Accidents or incidents

If an accident or incident occurs on our property or involving one of our staff (including volunteers), our record of what happened and the action we have taken as a result may include personal data and special categories of personal data.

3.6 Volunteers

Our volunteers are incredibly important to Last Chance. If you wish to find out more about what personal data we collect from them and how we use it, please see our Volunteer Privacy Policy.

4. How we use personal data

We only ever use your personal data with your consent, or where it is necessary in order to:

  • enter into, or perform, a contract with you.
  • comply with a legal duty such as under the gift aid scheme where we are required to inform you of the proceeds of your donated items in our shops;
  • protect your vital interests for example in a life or death situation; or
  • for our own (or a third party’s) legitimate interests, provided your rights don’t override these for example sending direct marketing communications by post unless you tell us that you don’t want to receive them from us.

In any event, we’ll only use your information for the purpose or purposes it was collected for (or else for closely related purposes). 

4.1 Administration

We use personal data for administrative purposes, i.e. to carry on our charitable work. These include:

  • sending appointment reminders to clients of veterinary clinics appointments, or providing health updates;
  • keeping records of veterinary clients.
  • if you participate in an event organised by us, keeping you updated;
  • processing donations and gift-aid declarations;
  • managing feedback and complaints;
  • maintaining databases of our volunteers and donors, e.g. to make sure that the personal data they contain is accurate and up to date;
  • helping us respect your choices and preferences, e.g. if you ask not to receive marketing communications, we will keep a record of this); 
  • enabling you to participate in a prize draw or  competition.

4.2 Using your information to enforce and comply with the law

We must ensure our activities comply with the law. Therefore, we may need to share your personal data if we are required to do so by law, e.g.in connection with a court order. We may use your personal data for other purposes such as fraud prevention, to comply with money laundering regulations and to protect people’s rights, property or safety.

If certain levels of financial donations are made, the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice requires all charities in the UK to perform certain checks regarding the individual who has made the donation. More details can be found at www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk

Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law.

4.3 Our Legitimate Interests

We may process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, provided that your fundamental rights do not override those interests. Our legitimate interests are:

  • to keep our records updated;
  • to administer our relationship with you;
  • to determine how our limited resources might be used in the most effective way;
  • to protect our security, guard against fraud and other wrongdoing; and
  • to inform our marketing and maximise support engagement and participation

4.4 Who we share your personal information with and why

We take all reasonable efforts to keep your details safe and secure.
We carefully select our mailing house and will only share information with them if we are confident that they will protect it and comply with data protection law.

We will never share your details with other organisations to use for their marketing purposes. 

We may also use other companies to provide services and process your personal information on our behalf including delivering postal mail, processing credit card payments.
We may share your personal information with veterinary practices to provide the products or services you’ve requested or require from us, but only to the extent strictly necessary. 

5    Marketing

5.1 What does “Marketing” mean?

Marketing includes news and information about:

  • our charity, aims, ideals and what we stand for;
  • our pet rehoming, veterinary and behaviour work;
  • appeals and fundraising (including details of how to leave a legacy, donations etc.);
  • our events and activities

5.2 Fundraising

As a charity, we rely on donations and support from others to continue our important work. From time to time, we will contact existing donors with fundraising communications. This might occur after a predetermined period, relate to an appeal, or suggest ways you can raise funds for us.

We will contact you by email where you have consented for us to do so.

We many contact you by phone if you have consented for us to do so or where we have called you in the past and you have not objected.

If you have provided us with your postal address we may write to you about our work unless you tell us that you would prefer not to hear from us in this way.

We will not use your information for marketing communications. You can let us know at any time if you’d like to change your preferences or stop receiving communications altogether;  please use the details in section 1 to let us know your preferences. 

If you ask us not to contact you, we will keep some basic information about you on our suppression list in order to avoid sending you unwanted materials in the future. 

6. Our Website

We do not collect or process personal data about visitors to our website unless they choose to provide it, such as when signing up to our newsletter. 

We may collect personal data about visitors to our website such information might include your internet protocol address, the browser being used, the device (e.g. its operating system) and the connection type (e.g. the Internet service provider). However, none of this information is likely to directly identify you.

6.1 Hyperlinks to other websites

Our website may contain hyperlinks to pages maintained by third-parties. We are not responsible for the content or functionality of any of those external websites.  If an external website requests personal data from you, whatever information you provide will not be covered by this Policy. We suggest you read the privacy policy of any website before giving up any of your personal data.  

7. Keeping your information safe

We employ a variety of physical and technical measures to keep your personal data safe and to prevent unauthorised access to, or use or disclosure of it. Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems and we control who has access to them (using both physical and electronic means). Our staff receive data protection training, and we have a set of detailed data protection procedures which they are required to follow when handling personal data. 

We cannot absolutely guarantee the security of the internet, external networks or your own device, accordingly any online communications (e.g. information provided by email or through our website) are at your own risk.  

8. Storage and retention

We only store personal data as long as it is required for the purpose(s) we collected it for (or for a related compatible purpose, such as keeping a record of an animal we have homed or donation). Legal requirements mean that we have to retain certain items of personal data for a given period of time e.g. gift aid declarations must be retained for seven years. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of it, the purposes for which we process it and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, together with the applicable legal requirements. We regularly review what data we have and delete that which is no longer necessary. In certain situations you have the right to request that your personal data be deleted (the ‘right to be forgotten’); please see section 10 for further details.

9   Children's personal data

We are committed to protecting the privacy of the young people that volunteer, fundraise, attend events organised by us and at schools or clubs or engage on our website. Where appropriate we will ask and obtain the consent of a parent or guardian. 

10    Your Rights

We want you to remain in control of your personal information. Part of this is making sure you understand your legal rights, which are as follows: 

  1. where data is processed on the basis of consent, the right to withdraw that consent; 
  2. the right to confirmation as to whether or not we have your personal data and, if we do, to obtain a copy of it (subject access)
  3. the right to have inaccurate data rectified;
  4. the right to object to your data being used for marketing or profiling, or on the basis of our or a third party’s legitimate interests; 
  5. the right to restrict how your personal information is used; and
  6. the right to be forgotten, which allows you to have your data erased in certain circumstances. Please note this is not an absolute right and may not apply if we need to continue using it for a lawful reason.
  7. the right to data portability, which allows individuals to obtain and reuse the personal data they have supplied to Last Chance for their own purposes across different services in a safe and secure way.

If you would like further information on your rights or wish to exercise them, please write to the Data Protection Officer using the details given in section 1, with details of your request.
Please keep in mind that there are exceptions to the rights above and, though we will always try to respond to your satisfaction, there may be situations where we are unable to do so (for example, because the personal data no longer exists or there is an exception which applies to your request). 

If you are not happy with our response, or you believe that your data protection or privacy rights have been infringed, you should contact the UK Information Commissioner's Office, which oversees data protection compliance in the UK. Details of how to do this can be found at www.ico.org.uk

11 What is Legitimate Interest

This legal ground for processing means that organisations can process your personal information if they

  1. have a genuine and legitimate reason for doing so and
  2. That use does not harm any of your rights and interests as an individual.

Last Chance Animal Rescue Legitimate Interest

We do not unduly prioritise our legitimate business interests as a charity over your interests as an individual. We always respect your rights.

We believe that the best way to look after the interests of our supporters is to consider their unique interests and expectations. As a result, we have established the following categories of Last Chance supporters. This provides us with an additional method for assessing that we use your personal information in a way that matches your relationship with us; your interests; and your expectations about your rights.

The four groups for our data protection supporter needs assessments are, supporters that have:

  • pledged their Lifetime interest
  • rehomed a dog with us
  • rehomed a cat with us
  • rehomed a rabbit or Guinea Pig

What we have a Legitimate Interest to do

We believe that Last Chance supporters are connected to our mission and want to know how they can continue to help us to achieve our charitable aims. Unless you tell us not to, we think you are content for us to process (keep and use) your personal information for the following lengths of time. As of May 2018, we promise not to keep your personal information for longer than we specify below. This is not the length of time that we will continue to contact you – this could be a shorter period of time (see below for an explanation on our personalised approach to communications).

  • Lifetime Interest in Last Chance Animal Rescue

For supporters who have indicated a Lifetime interest in Last Chance by becoming a Member, a 1,000 Club member; or having pledged to leave us a gift in your will or asked us to take care of their pets in the event of their death – we need to keep your information to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled.

  • Last Chance Rehomer

These are supporters that rehomed a dog/cat/rabbit or Guinea Pig with Last Chance and on average a cat in the UK lives to the age of 18 years old. We think that you and the pet you rehomed from us would like to remain in contact with us throughout their lifetime and we will therefore keep your personal information to allow for this.

It is always your choice. If you don’t think this is quite right for you, you can tell us to change your communication preferences and our use of your information. You can do this at any time by phoning 01732 865530 or using the contact form.

Legitimate Interest to send you direct mail

Unless you tell us not to, we will rely on our Legitimate Interest ground (explained above) for sending you direct mail. From time to time, we would like to post you exciting updates about our work and services and how you can support us, including fundraising events. Unless you have requested that we do not send you any newsletters or raffle tickets.

We are always mindful of trying to only send you what you are interested in and only as often as is appropriate which is normally annually. But you’re in control so if you want to ensure that we do not send this type of communication anymore, you can update your preferences at any time by phoning 01732 865530 or fill in our contact form.

Legitimate Interest to process your information

We aim to be clear about what information we collect, to enable you to make meaningful choices about how it is used.
When it is necessary we will contact you for administrative purposes, e.g. to contact you regarding a payment. We will also hold the minimum personal information required to support our ability to respect your preferences for communication with us.

To help you to understand when and why Last Chance would use Legitimate Interest to process your personal information we provide the following examples:

  • To send postal communications (as explained above)
  • To improve security of our websites and systems.
  • To prevent fraud when transacting on our website.
  • To process your donations.

The above list of examples are on the basis that the processing will not be done if it harms your rights and interests as an individual, or if you tell us that you’d like us to stop. You can do this at any time by phoning 01732 865530 or emailing using our contact form


We may update this Policy at any time. When we do, we will post a notification on our website and revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage you to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we hold.

This Policy was last updated on 22 May 2018